So You’re Thinking About CRM Strategy…

Ted WilkinsCRM, Growth

• CRM Strategy is a plan to grow sales and improve customer service through a combination of processes, actions, and technology
• All customer touchpoints, from marketing to sales to service, are key elements of that strategy
• CRM software solutions are powerful tools to help enable the strategy, but determining the best solution can be a daunting task

The Value of Fresh Thinking

Ted WilkinsGrowth, Optimization

Companies both large and small can benefit from fresh thinking. For newer companies that rely on digital and direct marketing to acquire new customers, fresh thinking can be particularly powerful in areas such as branding, analytics, and marketing management.

Direct Mail is Alive & Thriving: The 5 Keys to Success

Ted WilkinsDirect Mail

Once upon a time direct mail was king. But the advent of the internet and digital marketing channels changed everything. Then the Great Recession hit in 2008, causing many companies to significantly reduce marketing budgets. Direct mail was slashed heavily, and in many cases abandoned entirely. Direct mail was declared “dead” by many as the internet reigned supreme.